Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: Munchies is SHAREW 'ARE If you decide to keep it please register your copy bu running the"Register Munchies we.bod or cending $8 to Michael Far at 1514 Edison St Tucson ZY 8571 9 After your registration has been processed, you will receive code which will remove the shar eware notice personalize your copu of Munchies pue ppe nuew that will allow you to tar later levels Munchies! progr ammmed in THINK C using Ingemar Ragnemalm' Sprite Anima ation Toolkit pUe Frank Seide's Sound-Trecker MOD drivers Food icons were drawn bu Josh Cavalier 01 BioDesigns ppats are bu Ken Long Lisa Melford Trebor Kepone Glenn Seamann Kevin Kosmicki Geoff Adams and Stephen Krauth. Thank to Jacob Cusack pue Issac Church of The Sharew are Review of advice and beta testing Additional beta testing SBM done by Michael ...